Crowdy Harrington Marine Rescue invites you to their Easter Monday Market. Located along Oxley reserve in the heart of Harrington enjoy a variety of stalls for all ages. 8am to 1pm. For stall holders, please. contact Margaret 0472 687 289 with enquiries. We look forward to seeing you there!
Harrington's Anzac Day Dawn Service will be held at the Harrington Memorial Hall starting at 6am. The Anzac Day March will assemble at the corner of Coode St and Beach St at 10.30am. Step off at 10.45am for 11am service at the Harrington Memorial Hall.
Do you have an event you would like listed on the Harrington and Surrounds website. The event must be either in Harrington, Crowdy Head or Coopernook. Click the button below to submit your event.