Jun 20, 2017 | Events, Markets
EVERY SUNDAY! A farmers and artisans market that will be in the John Oxley Reserve every Sunday from 8:30am – 1pm. All food and fresh produce come directly from the farmers in the area. Come and support your local farmers and have a great time doing it! Stalls...
Mar 8, 2017 | Activities, Markets
The Harrington Easter Monday market will be held on Monday April 17th. From 8am to 2pm in John Oxley Reserve. The markets have a large variety of stall holders with something for everyone. From plants, hot food and fruit & veg, to antiques, clothing and homewares....
Feb 2, 2017 | Events, Festival, Markets
The Annual Harrington Festival kicks off on the 1st of January every year. With a line up of entertainment on the 1st for the whole family to enjoy including markets on the waters edge, live music, side show, carnival rides and the John Oxley fireworks (yes fireworks...