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4.5 Transport Services
Eggins Comfort Coaches: Eggins operates three services each way between Taree and Harrington Monday to Friday, with a fourth service on Thursday. The route is via Cundletown and Coopernook. (Crowdy Head is not on the route). The timetable can be found here: https://www.egginscomfortcoaches.com.au/timetables. Phone 6552 2700. There is no bus service to Laurieton or Port Macquarie.
Community Transport: Care’N’go (formerly Manning Valley & Area Community Transport) provides transport for shopping and health appointments to persons who fit the following criteria: Frail, older people aged 65 and over (50 if you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) and still living in your home; Living in isolated or remote areas; People with disabilities and their carers; Financially disadvantaged. Transport available Monday to Friday. Depending on your circumstances you may need to pay a fee. Bookings are essential. Phone 6554 5447.
NSW TrainLink: The nearest railway station is at Taree. There are daily services in each direction (ie north and south). The timetable can be found here: https://transportnsw.info/regional-north-coast-line. For the most up-to-date times, use the Trip Planner on transportnsw.info.
All seats on NSW TrainLink Regional train and coach services must be booked in advance. Book online https://transportnsw.info/regional-bookings/ or call 13 22 32 between 7am and 10pm.
TrainLink Coach services operate from Taree to Foster/Tuncurry and other locations.
Taree Airport: As at April 2022 the only commercial flight operating out of Taree is a FlyPelican service to Sydney. Other airlines operate services from Port Macquarie and Newcastle.
Taxi: There is no Harrington-based taxi service. The nearest taxi services are Taree Taxis Combined (phone 6551 3555) and Taree Taxi Cabs (phone 6557 1111).